For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Our Lifeline Team is what keeps FLC going alive and moving forward. The Lifeline Team is made up of volunteers who serve in many different areas. Most of our Lifeline team members serve 1-3 times per month, we recommend resting at least once per month and sitting in a live service. There are areas to serve from Parking lot, Greeters (Family Hosts), Security, Production, Administration, FLC Kids, Set up/Break Down and many more being added. If you're interested in hearing more about a certain area please fill in the signup form and our Service Manager will guide you through the next steps for getting involved at FLC.
Serve in your church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
Everyone you see on Sunday or through the week serving has pressed the button you're considering below.
We don't call it work, because we're not working - we're serving. We're serving our community, our FLC family, our kids, or Church and most importantly our God. He's blessed us with gifts we use all week for others, it's our honor to serve His house the same way.
We don't call it work, because we're not working - we're serving. We're serving our community, our FLC family, our kids, or Church and most importantly our God. He's blessed us with gifts we use all week for others, it's our honor to serve His house the same way.
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
Sign up to serve, after you've filled in all information our Worship Service Manager will reach out to you with next steps. Depending on your area requested to serve, you could join a team within the same week.
How do I volunteer with FLC Kids?
FLC Kids volunteers complete the same steps as any other area of service, we'll still contact you with all details for next steps however all of our FLC Kids volunteers over 18 years old are required to complete and pass a Federal background check.
What if the area I want to volunteer in isn't at FLC yet?
Let's create it! FLC is growing and we want everyone to be able to serve where their heart is rather than only what's available. Submit your information and let's figure out what it takes to make it happen.
How often do I get to serve?
Our Lifeline Team volunteers 1-3 times per month. There is a rest week required and during that week it is asked that you sit in service, you need a chance to recharge and hear the word live.