
Jan 5, 2025    Pastor Jerome White

As we embark on a new year, we're reminded that God is in the business of making all things new. Revelations 21:5 tells us that He who sits on the throne declares, 'Behold, I am making all things new.' This powerful promise invites us to see ourselves through God's eyes - as His precious creation, continually being shaped and refined. Just as a potter works with clay, God is molding us, adding and removing elements of our lives to create His masterpiece. We're encouraged to 'keep spinning' on His potter's wheel, remaining pliable and trusting in His process. This year, let's commit to giving God one true year of devoted service, prayer, and pursuit. As we do, we'll discover that today might be the worst we'll ever look again, the least money we'll ever see, or the least joyful we'll ever be - because from here, everything goes up as we trust in His transformative power.