Restoration - All Things New - Life Group Guide

Here's a small group guide based on the sermon, Restoration:

Small Group Guide: Restoration - All Things New Series - Video

Opening Question:
Share a time when you felt something in your life was broken or beyond repair. How did you handle that situation?

Key Takeaways:
1. God can restore what seems broken or beyond repair in our lives.
2. We are anointed and equipped by God to participate in the restoration process.
3. Our faith and trust in God's promises are crucial for experiencing restoration.

Discussion Questions:

1. Pastor Jerome used the analogy of a broken glass. How does this relate to areas in your life that need restoration?

2. The sermon emphasized that "it's not beyond repair." What area in your life do you struggle to believe can be restored? How can you apply faith to this situation?

3. Discuss the concept of "Don't treat your new beauty like you used to treat your old ashes." What does this mean to you practically?

4. How does the idea of being "anointed for double" challenge or encourage you in your current circumstances?

5. The pastor talked about the importance of surrounding yourself with people who have solutions rather than just sharing problems. How can we cultivate these types of relationships in our lives?

6. Reflect on the statement "Because my God said so." How can we strengthen our faith in God's promises, especially when facing challenging situations?

7. How does the image of being "clothed in salvation" and "arrayed in righteousness" impact your view of yourself and others?

Practical Applications:

1. Identify one area in your life that needs restoration. Write down three specific ways you can trust God in this process this week.

2. Practice using the phrase "Because my God said so" when facing doubts or challenges this week. Journal about how this impacts your perspective.

3. Look for opportunities to be an agent of restoration in someone else's life. This could be through encouragement, practical help, or prayer.

4. Review your closest relationships. Are they mostly problem-sharers or solution-finders? Make a plan to cultivate more solution-oriented relationships.

5. Choose a promise from Scripture related to restoration. Memorize it and meditate on it daily for the next week.

Closing Prayer:
Lord, thank you for your promise of restoration. Help us to trust you with the broken pieces of our lives. Clothe us in your salvation and righteousness. Give us the courage to be agents of restoration in our families, workplaces, and communities. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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