Restoration - Parents Guide

Here's a parent's guide with questions that use illustrations from the sermon to engage your children in meaningful discussions:

Illustration: The Blue Glasses
- "Pastor Jerome talked about the blue glasses that were only for show. Are there things in your life that you think are just for show? How can we make sure we’re using everything we have for a purpose?"

Illustration: Restoration of the Broken Glass
- "When Pastor Jerome accidentally broke the blue glass, he used it as an example of life being broken sometimes. Have you ever felt like something didn't go as planned, and how can we trust that things can get better?"

Illustration: Learning from Others
- "Pastor Jerome mentioned learning how to cook by watching others. Is there something you want to learn, and who can you watch or ask for help to learn it?"

Illustration: The Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner*  
- "Pastor Jerome talked about trusting the process, like with the jewelry cleaner. How can we trust the process when trying to improve ourselves or solve a problem?"

Illustration: Boasting in Someone Else’s Riches
- "Joseph, Pastor Jerome’s son, believes he can have what his dad has. This reminds us of trusting God for big things. What big dreams do you have, and how can you ask for help to achieve them?"

These questions aim to make the sermon illustrations relatable to your children's experiences and encourage deep conversations.
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