Married Today, Praying For Tomorrow - Relationship Status - Life Group Guide

Life Group Guide: "Married Today, Praying for Tomorrow"


Opening Prayer:
Begin the session with a prayer, asking God to guide your discussion and help apply the sermon's teachings to your lives.

Key Takeaways:

1. Marriage is about becoming one person, not just joining two lives.
2. Husbands are called to be spiritual leaders and to "wash" their wives with the Word of God.
3. Wives are called to be helpers, supporting their husbands' vision and direction for the family.
4. A strong marriage involves three strands: husband, wife, and God.

Discussion Questions:

1. What does it mean to you to become "one flesh" in marriage? How can couples work towards this unity?

2. Pastor Jerome emphasized the difference between being a "married man" and a "husband." What are some practical ways husbands can step into their role as spiritual leaders?

3. How can wives support their husbands' vision for the family while also contributing their own strengths and insights?

4. Discuss the concept of a "three-cord strand" in marriage. How have you seen God strengthen your relationship when you've included Him?

5. The sermon mentioned the importance of agreement in marriage. How can couples navigate differences in opinion or direction for their family?

6. What challenges have you faced in your marriage that required you to stand together against the problem rather than against each other?

Practical Applications:

1. For Husbands: Reflect on your role as a spiritual leader. Choose one area where you can take more initiative in leading your family this week.

2. For Wives: Consider how you can be a more effective "helper" to your spouse. Identify one way to actively support your husband's vision for your family.

3. For Couples: Set aside time this week to discuss your family's direction and goals. Pray together, asking God to guide your decisions and strengthen your unity.

4. Evaluate your family budget together. Discuss any necessary adjustments to align with your long-term goals and vision.

5. Create a habit of regular communication about your roles and responsibilities in the household. Ensure you're on the same page and working as a team.

Closing Activity:
Have each couple (or individual if attending alone) share one specific action they plan to take this week to strengthen their marriage based on the sermon's teachings.

Closing Prayer:
End the session by praying for each couple represented, asking God to bless and strengthen their marriages as they apply these principles.

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