Perfecting - All Things New - Parents Guide

Based on the sermon, here's a parents' guide with questions to ask your kids, one for each day of the week:

Question: What do you think it means for God to make "all things new" in our lives?
Discussion Tip: Talk about how a new year or new beginning can be a chance to improve and grow, and how God can help us in that journey.

Question: This week's theme was about "perfecting." What do you think it means to be on a journey of perfecting ourselves?
Discussion Tip: Discuss how everyone can always learn and improve. Share examples of something you've worked hard to get better at.

Question: How can we use our words to steer our lives in a positive direction?
Discussion Tip: Use examples of positive and negative words and discuss the impact they can have on feelings and situations.

Question: Why is it important to have both faith and actions? Can you think of a time when you had to do both to achieve something?
Discussion Tip: Talk about how believing in something is important, but taking steps towards it makes the belief come to life.

Question: What role do you play in your family or at school that makes you unique and important? How can you work on perfecting that role?
Discussion Tip: Encourage them to identify their strengths and explore how they can grow in those areas, highlighting that everyone has a unique role that only they can fulfill.

This guide is designed to help kids reflect on the concepts introduced in the sermon and to facilitate meaningful conversations between parents and their children throughout the week.
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