Commitment - All Things New - Small Group Guide

Small Group Guide: "All Things New - Commitment" - Video

Opening Prayer

Key Takeaways:

God sees us as His new creation and is committed to us.
Our value increases as we remain committed to God.
We are clay in the Potter's hands, constantly being shaped.

Discussion Questions:
  1. Pastor mentions that God looks at us as "brand new" even when we make mistakes. How does this perspective change the way you view your relationship with God?
  2. Reflect on Philippians 1:6. How does the idea of God completing His work in you impact your faith journey?
  3. The sermon discusses the concept of being "clay" on God's potter's wheel. How do you feel about the idea of God constantly shaping and molding you?
  4. What does it mean to you to be "pliable" in God's hands? Can you share an experience where you felt God was shaping you?
  5. Pastor challenges FLC to commit to one year of dedicated service to God. What would this look like in your life? What challenges might you face?
  6. How does knowing that God is committed to you affect your commitment to Him?

Practical Applications -

Daily Reflection: Spend a few minutes each day this week reflecting on how God might be shaping you.

Commitment Challenge: Choose one area of your spiritual life (prayer, Bible study, service, etc.) to fully commit to for the next month.

Gratitude Journal: Write down ways you see God's commitment to you in your daily life.

Prayer Partners: Pair up with someone in the group to pray for each other's commitment to God this week.

Identify "Spinning" Moments: Notice times when you feel like you're "spinning" on God's potter's wheel. How can you remain pliable in those moments?

Closing Prayer: Thank God for His commitment to us and ask for strength to remain committed to Him.

Scripture to Meditate On: "And he who sits on the throne said, 'Behold, I am making all things new.' And he said, 'Write, for these words are faithful and true.'" - Revelation 21:5

1 Comment

Renee Harris - January 25th, 2025 at 11:46am

Having a prayer partner helps to show accountability, just welcoming people into your life with like minded spirit puts the icing on the cake. Thank God for all things NEW in this season ?



