Family or Just Blood - Relationship Status - Life Group Guide

Here's a small group guide based on the sermon:


Small Group Guide: Family or Just Blood?

Opening Question:
Share about a time when someone who wasn't related to you by blood felt like family. What made that relationship special?

Key Takeaways:
1. Our biological family isn't always who God calls us to rely on or work with.
2. We should be open to the people God sends into our lives, even if they're not blood relatives.
3. Sometimes we need to prioritize our calling over family obligations.
4. God has people lined up who will make up for those who weren't there for us.

Discussion Questions:
1. Pastor Jerome mentioned that "Jesus knew who that lady was out there, but he made that statement for a reason." Why do you think Jesus responded the way he did when told his mother and brothers were outside?

2. The sermon states, "Do not spend time trying to convince your kin to be your kind." What does this mean to you? Have you ever experienced this struggle?

3. How can we balance honoring our biological family while also being open to the "family" God brings into our lives?

4. Pastor Jerome said, "God has someone lined up for you who will make up for who wasn't there." Have you experienced this in your life? If so, share your story.

5. The sermon mentions that "everybody who's in your life right now is not called forever." How can we discern when it's time to let go of certain relationships and embrace new ones?

Practical Applications:
1. This week, reach out to someone who has been like family to you, even though you're not related by blood. Express your gratitude for their presence in your life.

2. Reflect on your current relationships. Are there any you're holding onto out of obligation rather than genuine connection or shared purpose? Pray for guidance on how to address these relationships.

3. Look for opportunities to be "family" to someone who might need it. This could be a new church member, a coworker, or a neighbor.

4. Join a Life Group at the church if you haven't already. Be open to forming new connections and finding your "kind."

5. If you're struggling with family-related issues, consider talking to a pastor or trusted spiritual mentor for guidance.

Closing Prayer:
Lord, thank you for the family you've given us - both by blood and by spirit. Help us to be open to the relationships you bring into our lives. Guide us in discerning which connections to nurture and which to let go. May we be a reflection of your love to others, creating a family united in Christ. Amen.

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