Blending - All Things New - Life Group Guide

Here's a life group guide based on the sermon:

Life Group Guide: "All Things New - Blending" - VIDEO

Opening Prayer

Key Takeaways:
1. Don't go at it alone - Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded people who will help you grow.
2. Your mind is your mission - Be intentional about renewing your mind daily and guarding what influences your thoughts.
3. Same you, just new - Embrace the process of transformation while recognizing that your core identity remains.

Discussion Questions:

1. Pastor Jerome talked about "blending" our life experiences. How do you see this concept applying to your own life?

2. Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loves at all times." How have you experienced this in your own relationships? How can we be this kind of friend to others?

3. The sermon emphasized the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people. How do you discern which relationships are beneficial for your growth?

4. What does it mean to you to "renew your mind daily"? What practices help you in this process?

5. Pastor Jerome mentioned the idea of "exposing yourself to environments that align with your goals." How might you apply this concept in your own life?

6. How do you balance accepting yourself as you are with pursuing growth and change?

7. The sermon touched on the concept of reconciliation through Christ. How does this impact your view of personal transformation?

Practical Applications:

1. This week, intentionally seek out an environment or experience that aligns with your future goals or aspirations.

2. Evaluate your current relationships. Identify one way you can invest more in a positive, growth-oriented friendship.

3. Start a daily practice of "renewing your mind." This could be through prayer, meditation on scripture, or intentional positive thinking.

4. Reflect on your life experiences. How can you "blend" them in a way that creates a positive narrative of growth and transformation?

5. Consider joining one of the church groups mentioned in the sermon. How might this support your spiritual growth?

Closing Prayer

Encourage group members to share prayer requests and pray for one another, focusing on areas where they desire personal growth and transformation.

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