It's Complicated - Relationship Status - Life Group Guide

Here's a small group guide based on the sermon:

Small Group Guide: Relationship Status - "It's Complicated"

Video Link

Opening Prayer

Key Takeaways:

Our relationship with God affects all other relationships in our lives.
We should seek wisdom from God regarding our relationships rather than wondering or guessing.
Complications in relationships often arise when we haven't introduced our struggles to Jesus.

Discussion Questions:

Pastor Jerome mentions that our relationship with God impacts our other relationships. How have you seen this play out in your own life?

What does it mean to you to "consider it all joy" when facing trials in relationships? How can we practically apply this?

The sermon emphasizes asking God for wisdom in relationships. Share a time when you sought God's wisdom for a relationship decision. What was the outcome?

How can we discern between a relationship that's worth working through complications versus one we should step away from?

Pastor talks about being "double-minded" in relationships. What are some ways we might exhibit double-mindedness in our relationships with God or others?

Reflect on the analogy of Jesus calming the storm. How can we "introduce our storms to Jesus" in our complicated relationships?

Practical Applications:

Relationship Inventory: Take some time this week to evaluate your key relationships. Are there any that feel "complicated"? Commit to praying specifically about these relationships.

Wisdom Journal: Start a journal where you write down relationship questions or decisions you're facing. Pray over these and note any insights or wisdom you receive.

Storm-Calming Practice: When you face a "storm" in a relationship this week, pause and consciously invite Jesus into the situation before reacting.

Alignment Check: Reflect on whether your relationships are aligned with your relationship with God. Are there any adjustments you need to make?

Closing Prayer: Lord, thank you for the wisdom in Your Word about relationships. Help us to seek You first in all our connections with others. Give us discernment to navigate complicated situations and the courage to make necessary changes. May our relationship with You be the foundation for all other relationships in our lives. Amen.

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