Perfecting - All Things New - Life Group Guide

Here's a small group guide based on the sermon transcription:

Small Group Guide: All Things New - Perfecting

Key Takeaways:

We are all on a journey of perfecting, whether we realize it or not.
Our words have power to shape our reality and guide our direction.
Faith without action is dead - our deeds should match our beliefs.
We are called to be ourselves, not imitations of others.
Perfecting takes time and requires humility and accountability.

Discussion Questions:

Pastor Jerome mentioned that "we're all in a journey of perfecting." What area of your life do you feel God is currently working on perfecting?

How have you seen the power of words (positive or negative) impact your life or the lives of those around you?

The sermon emphasized the importance of having deeds that match our faith. Can you share an example of how you've put your faith into action recently?

Pastor said, "What makes me so perfect is that I'm being Jerome." How can we balance being authentically ourselves while still growing and changing?

Discuss the statement: "If you're not connected to something, who corrects you?" How important is accountability in your spiritual growth?

The sermon touched on the idea that sometimes we perfect the wrong things. Have you ever found yourself getting really good at something that wasn't beneficial? How did you redirect your focus?

How can we as a group encourage each other to "earn our righteousness" through both faith and action?

Practical Applications:

Word Power Challenge: This week, pay close attention to your words. Try to speak positively and with faith, even in challenging situations. Journal about any changes you notice.

Faith in Action: Identify one area where your actions don't fully align with your faith. Make a concrete plan to bridge that gap this week.

Accountability Check: If you don't already have one, consider finding an accountability partner within the group. Share one goal you'd like them to check in with you about.

Community Impact: As a group, brainstorm one way you can put your faith into action in your local community. Plan a time to carry out this act of service together.

Self-Reflection: Spend some time in prayer, asking God to reveal any areas where you might be trying to be someone you're not. Write down any insights and share with the group if you're comfortable.

Closing Prayer: Lord, thank you for the reminder that you are perfecting us. Help us to use our words wisely, to put our faith into action, and to be authentically who you've created us to be. Give us the courage to be accountable to each other and to you. May our lives reflect your love and grace as we continue on this journey of perfecting. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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